In the Native American tradition, a Shaman is a spiritual healer. It has been said that a Shaman is gifted with the ability to walk between the worlds, that being of this earth earth dimension, as well as, all of the Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes within The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is. A Shaman remembers, embraces, and treasures the Infinitely Spiritual Soul BEing of Light that they are and of their spiritual gifts and utilizes those gifts as a means to be a clear channel of Vibrational Healing Through Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light, and message to all souls whom come to them seeking assistance on their spiritual journey. A Shaman goes through what we call here on this earth dimension as many initiations both physically and spiritually, two BEing One. These initiations are gifts that are gifted to the Shaman from Spirit within Infinite Agreement; as this Shaman has so chosen on a soulful resonance for these initiations to occur before incarnating into any gift Life Experience. This enables the Shaman to remember, embrace, and treasure the all inclusive inner wisdom of Spirit so as to assist others on their spiritual path in Spiritual Oneness.
Does this mean that on a physical level a Shaman is able to rid the physical body of all illness within them in order to be a Shaman? Does this mean that a Shaman will be able to "heal" as in get rid of all physical illnesses from within the physical body of others? The answer to both questions is No. For while a Shaman has the ability to be a clear channel of healing, the healing is free from being "done" by a Shaman. The Shaman knows that they are simply (as simple as) the clear channel for Vibrational Healing Through Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light, and message; that this soul requesting the healing and is choosing to BE within a resonance of Vibrational Healing Through Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light, and message themselves, is in fact what heals them. The Shaman knows that healing, in whichever form it takes on and if any is meant to occur, will simply occur within the soul whom is requesting the healing if they choose it to be healed, to BE Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light. The Shaman then also knows that all physical manifestations of healing are free from being meant to be what we term on this earth dimension as eradicated. For the Shaman knows that there are moments that the Great Spirit in co-creation with us as a soul, have agreed that an illness or an event that has occurred to be present and stay present for a particular time, even for an entire Life Experience for the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience that this soul and all souls that soul touches are being invited to remember, embrace, and treasure.
Does one call themselves a Shaman? No, because in the Native American culture it is considered to be rude and boastful to call oneself a Shaman. Other souls whom have seen and can attest to a Shamans spiritual healing, readings, spiritual guidance, and other infinite forms of spiritual wisdom may revere and so call the Shaman as such but it is free from being up to the Shaman to do so. Being revered as a Shaman and therefore BEing a Shaman in the Native American culture is a way of life, free from being 'just something that you do'. Shamans walk the spiritual life with reverence themselves, walking in Absoulute Love, beauty, peace, and balance with all, for all, and of things of this earth earth dimension and within all of the Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes. The totems within animal or other infinite forms that come forth, that are gifted to the Shaman to assist them with their journey here on this earth dimension.
These totems stay with the Shaman infinitely as both the Shaman and the totem have agreed to on a soulful resonance, Spiritual Soul BEing to Spiritual Soul BEing, as One. The earth dimensional concept of numbers of Life Experiences (or lifetimes as we call it here on this earth dimension) is free from being of any consequence to the Shaman, as the Shaman experiences the all inclusive inner wisdom of Universal Source of All That Is tin which all Life Experiences are lived instantaneously, simultaneously, and synchronistically as One Life; that it is just a matter of which Life Experience that we choose to focus on within this moment within this physical body that gifts us with this Life Experience. The totem can be presented in the form of a rock being such as a rock, a feather or a shell found on the shores of a beach, a crystal, an animal in spirit or physically here on this earth dimension, or anything that is of this earth dimension that gifts the Shaman the ability to remember, embrace, and treasure our connection with the Great Spirit. A Shaman works with as many totems as they have chosen to before they incarnated into any Life Experience, although memory of this choosing may be free from being remembered until much later in the Shaman's initiations. These totems along with other guidance and wisdom from Spirit are what is known in the Native American tradition as the earth dimension Shamanic medicine that a Shaman carries with them and within them always, In All Ways, infinitely... (continued at )
We are all Wisdom Talkers. It is time we all feel safe and confident expressing our collective, intuitive wisdom. This blog is a place to share wisdom, insight, and inspiration to connect to the heart of all beings. As we approach a new creative phase of humanity, we are each asked to move through our limitations and express ourselves and actions from the depths of our hearts and true knowing. As we move into a maturity of spiritual practice, our wisdom will naturally unfold and guide us into who we are and why we are here. Community, God, Passion, and Action in the presence of the One.
Wisdom of the Ancients
The Foundation Stone Meditation
Soul of Man!
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.
-Rudolf Steiner
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.
-Rudolf Steiner
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