We are all Wisdom Talkers. It is time we all feel safe and confident expressing our collective, intuitive wisdom. This blog is a place to share wisdom, insight, and inspiration to connect to the heart of all beings. As we approach a new creative phase of humanity, we are each asked to move through our limitations and express ourselves and actions from the depths of our hearts and true knowing. As we move into a maturity of spiritual practice, our wisdom will naturally unfold and guide us into who we are and why we are here. Community, God, Passion, and Action in the presence of the One.
Wisdom of the Ancients
The Foundation Stone Meditation
Soul of Man!
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.
-Rudolf Steiner
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.
-Rudolf Steiner
Monday, October 5, 2009
Waking up from the dream
Waking Up From The Dream
Waking up from the dream: I was watching the rivers be mined for ore and oil and copper and stone and crystal as huge plates of knife cut into her black mud and sought her mystery. She was ugly in this state, unappreciated, uncared for and devastatingly hurting. I awoke crying, in rage, in sadness, in misery at this very direct message from my mother; from me. My own body, my own spirit has been treated in this way. The feeling I was having as a human in this experience of witnessing my mother be drugged, raped, and beaten – was like watching my own mother, Sally Marie Torkos be eaten alive by demons. As I write this I am still crying, attempting to put each word down so that I can fully release this medicine. I understand my place here on Earth more and more each day and sometimes it’s just enough to work to hold on and not choose to curl up and fall asleep for another 2,000 years. I am strong though, and feel Her and My and God’s strength returning.
The second part of the dream was the very deep sensation of the magic of the Daime in my body and blood working on me like Ephedrine (the word very clear in the dream directing me further to the story of this plant Ephedra). Now this is an interesting bit because here is what I read on the web about ephedrine:
Ephedrine (EPH) is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant, concentration aid, decongestant, and to treat hypotension associated with anaesthesia. Ephedrine is similar in structure to the (semi-) synthetic derivatives amphetamine and methamphetamine. Chemically, it is an alkaloid derived from various plants in the genus Ephedra (family Ephedraceae). It is most usually marketed in the hydrochloride and sulfate forms.
In traditional Chinese medicines, the herb má huáng (麻黄, Ephedra sinica) contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine as its principal active constituents. The same is true of other herbal products containing extracts from Ephedra species. Nagayoshi Nagai was the first one to isolate ephedrine from Ephedra distachya (syn. Ephedra vulgaris) in 1885. The substance called soma mentioned in old Hindu books such as the Rig Veda, may have been ephedra extract. This, however, is disputed, as the identity of soma.
The production of ephedrine in China has become a multi-million dollar export industry. Companies producing for export extract US$13 million worth of ephedrine from 30,000 tons of ephedra annually, 10 times the amount that is used in traditional Chinese medicine.[1]
The medicine of the plant held within it the curing aid to heal my heart and soul and reestablish for me my virginity and my connection to Source (which is the True Mystery that had once been –and still is being- raped from humanity).
This source or medicine was a rainbow field in which held the capacity for all healing to happen, and once healed, would instill in me the gift of healing others – I became this Ephedrine, this plant medicine – was transformed into the aiding rainbow light which when touched illuminated others light.
This is what we are: Medicine. Our whole being is capable of delivering sound, movement, prayer, speech, bodywork, handwork, creative expression, loving touch, energy awareness and expansion, knowledge, feeling, smiles, hugs, and kisses. This is our work – to discover how we each are medicine ourselves and for each other. This is a beautiful part of the story we are in, because it is where true magic lies. In healing each other and ourselves, we create miracles (at once something only God was capable of). And yes, that is just the time we are living in – a time of Miracles that the angels have been singing about and guiding us towards. When you hear this bit in you, when you recognize a wrongdoing or a misconception toward another it is like a key which asks you to heal. This key when found and used to unlock yourself, in discovering will be the next step to return this medicine on. It will act like a gift which keeps giving. I unlock myself, learn, adjust and courageously unlock you. Now it is your turn, this key, handed to you will take shape into the healing magic potential for your own wounds be they large or small. And maybe one day, one beautiful day, perhaps a new or Full moon, perhaps a nice alignment of numbers, all the keys will be opened and all will be healed and returned to the divine harmony which Is at All Time(s), but must be realized. Just like you would not let go of a sick friend, we must not let go of anybody who shows up at our door in seek of advice, a place to rest, a bite to eat or an ear to listen to. This is our calling – to return to Integrity and Love. This medicine we have is not just for humans – but for plants, animals, spirits, rocks, trees, unconsciousness, unrest, unfelt emotions, repressed anger, and trapped conditions in the body which act just as carcinogens compounds.
And the last part of the dream – which ties into another very interesting conversation I had last night with a beautiful young man- his second or third work- about an experience he had with his very own soul. And I will keep his name omit for protection and honor of his identity.
In his experience he was in question of himself. “What do I have to clean in myself to reach this place of alignment which the Doctrine is speaking of?” He went on a journey inside himself deep down into caves of his being and finally at the very bottom, the very center he found a Crystal Geode covered in moss and clay. He told me that the Daime did not know what to do with it, which I realize now is his own misperception on what the Daime is and what he is here to do. It is not that the Daime does not know, the Daime is only the pointer, the Ephedra which enters the waters of our bodies to make amends with the cancer. It is the Presence in our minds and souls which will do the aiding and curing. He did not want to wash the moss and clay off the Geode, he did not want to cut into it. And this I believe is a beautiful insight, because he is recognizing his power of free will and free choice – of freedom. Remembering the first bit of my dream I recall the black waters of Earth being scraped clean of her Geodes, Her virginity Her blood Her Mystery.
Think of the Woman of your life. Think of the feminine principle of beauty and feel that. Feel her, please. Please. Feel her pain – she is asking for us to hold her and to be with her. She is ready to stop crying.
This Geode inside my friend is inside us all. This Geode represents the True Virginity, Sanctity, Pristine Purity of Our Mother – it is the Crystal Heart of Master Jesus, the Crystal Heart within – the Divine Emerald Green Medicine which was activated as we walked through the 09/09/09 portal.
Here is a bit on that:
Emerald Green Crystal Activation 09-09-09
Wisdom of the Ages by Katya Gale Carney,
May 2001 The most direct thought forms are transmitted in emerald green. This crystal ray has been your symbol of new life, new form, money, “luck” and transmuted love. Green pastures have been a symbol of comfort to you. “In the green” has been a symbol of good fortune. It has been most easily observed in the spring of your year when new growth spurts up. Do you know that in the fifth dimension, growth will be continuous, and not necessarily seasonal? It can be created to be seasonal, but it is not necessary, as everything will be available by the use of your thought forms. However, some of you will desire to have flower and vegetable gardens and you will create growth patterns for them because you love the memory of the beauty of the plants and blossoms. As the emerald green crystal is activated to higher vibrations, it forms a connecting link between your intelligence and your divine mind. It combines your creative will with your thought forms to bring forth creative genius as it joins with your heart center. Now, and in the years to come on your earth, it will be considered “normal” for all children to display the intelligence that you now classify as genius. The green ray brings great clarity to your mental body through the stimulation of your computer brain, enhancing your ability to focus and to hold your concentration. United with the intuitive and discriminating faculties of your third eye, you will more easily express inspired insight and detailed clarity from your divine mind. You will align your whole BEing to bring forth, through science, only that which is best for the whole and in accord with divine will and love. Your consciousness will make quantum leaps toward the infinite. You will achieve full understanding of the mathematics and physics of the cosmic laws of creation. You will scan divine mind to literally seek out the answer to any question that can be conceived. With your added focus and clarity of mind, you will BEhold perfection in any of your visionary pictures with complete detail, thus you are BEcoming the great healer and inventor of the next dimension. The emerald green crystal ray is the soul ray of many of the priest-scientists embodied on your planet who are members of the Brotherhood of Enoch. Through this scientific brotherhood, working in union with Michael, Melchizedek and Metatron, all of your foundations of your world will BE rebuilt; bringing forth the union of your heart and your mind….science and religion….East and West. As these former separations are bridged through your “new” scientific community now coming forth, you will BEcome aware of more keys to unlock the frontiers of cosmic science, stepping into the stars as is your birthright. [Manataka's friend and neighbor Katya Gale Carney authored many beautiful explanations of higher vibration energies long before many Light workers of today were out of diapers. Grandmother Katya's knowledge goes far beyond... Her heart is pure beauty.]
~ by Gary Jacobsson on August 29, 2009.
This crystal CAN NOT be mined. It CAN NOT be touched. It is the true virginity of our planet and it resides in Humanity. Humanity is free and will always be free as we discover, heal, and cleanse ourselves and each other. We are Rainbow children; we are of the Indigo and Crystal tribes. We have come back home to bless this Eden with our Magic and Mystery and Love. We are not messing around, for we are warriors too. We are here to dismantle the carcinogens system which sucks the life out of our mother. And our mission is to create the harmony for the next seed of life, the next generation of children. We are Her Blessing, Her Fruit, Her Love. We are Humanity birthed again in the flower of Christ, our savior. This flower is Our protective shield, Our playground, and Our identity.
That is all for now. I love you all so much. Thank you for holding and witnessing me.
Rev. Orchid Wisdom Talker Jones
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