We are all Wisdom Talkers. It is time we all feel safe and confident expressing our collective, intuitive wisdom. This blog is a place to share wisdom, insight, and inspiration to connect to the heart of all beings. As we approach a new creative phase of humanity, we are each asked to move through our limitations and express ourselves and actions from the depths of our hearts and true knowing. As we move into a maturity of spiritual practice, our wisdom will naturally unfold and guide us into who we are and why we are here. Community, God, Passion, and Action in the presence of the One.

Wisdom of the Ancients

Wisdom of the Ancients

The Foundation Stone Meditation

Soul of Man!
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.

-Rudolf Steiner

Thursday, September 3, 2009

a little update

I thought I should write something about myself and what has been occuring in my life lately. I think I should be totally honest with everything - for this open stream lined blog site is my intention for sharing and activating all that I touch in my life. I want to say that since I have moved to Portland, OR three summer's ago, my life has changed increadablly fast and furiously and I have loved every minute of it. There were a lot of ups and downs, and in particular - my spirit self (which really is all of myself) has evolved, flown, plumated, grown, deepened so quickly here. I have learned a butt-load on dynamics between relationships with friends/lovers/housemates/teachers, I have grown tremendously in my quest and my understanding for my life's work, I have met myself many times over in the crazy miraculous 12-D hologram we call life. Through all of this I am determined to keep writing and sharing what I have learned on my journey. Some of it may be beyond belief, as it should be, because life was NEVER meant to be boring or regular or ordinary. Life was never meant to be described, understood, and analyzed in a simple High School Sized Physics or O-Chem book - it is just too square. If anything, life would want an accurate representation (if there is at all one possible). Perhaps a rotating 64-sided Tetrahedron graphed in 12-Dimensional spinning black holes. He he, I really recommend reading about the unified field theory - there is a link on this page.

I am currently working at the Portland Village Waldorf School in North Portland, about a 20 minute bike ride from my house. I quit the other job as an assistant teacher and have been so greatful to find a school which feels like home. The teachers here are incredable and spontaneous and empowered women! I feel like I have found a new family. My best friend Emily Pitti is sharing this job with me and together we are creating a stupendous after-care program. We also have plans for starting our own business Cedar Sisters Continuing Education. We want to share the wisdom of the land and natural based thinking and creating with kids through Organic Gardening, Tincture Making, Paper Making, Book Binding, Theatre, Sword Play, Tumbleing and Acrobatics - the sky is the limit! And the more I work with children, the more I glean wisdom off the innocent pure truth of the young mind and heart. I am so lucky!

Also, now that my hours have changed, I will have the mornings to myself! Oh my God! You mean I get to have a life again now that I will be working part time? No way! That means I get to continue my awsome Raw Food Life Force Energy routine, practice my sword, qi-gong, Yoga and meditation routine, finally get back to my art, focus on creating my business to be incradably heart-centered, creative, and beautiful, and understand life and what the heck-azoid is occuring with the universe currently. Has anyone else noticed that we are in a massive transit? Thank Goodness, let's bring in the New Earth togther. But we can't do it unless you are doing your part and doing what you love, loving what you are doing, and creating life from the center of your being - your heart.

God is everywere people, time to start listening to the master plan so we can all party!

1 comment:

Amira said...

I loved reading your blog and also seeing the photo of the Light Bridges around the planet.... we have all been creating them and now the system is fully functioning.... what we each need to know is that it will function based on our use ... that when we connect through the Light Bridges and the Inner Net of Light inside the planet, then we also engage and fuel ourselves and all those we have Intention to connect with.... visualizing a waterfall of white light going down through your body, through your fingers and toes into the Center of the Earth, wrap the light around the Center with your Intention several times and then let it go.... we all stay perfectly alighned with the system. And at the same time whom ever we need to connect with gets an energetic message to connect to that other being that will assist them in the Highest Teaching for the Highest Good of All Beings.. We are moving into a time of high revolution. Be attached only to the Light Bridges, your own Heart and the Intentions you know to be for the Highest Good of All. Disconnect from the negative communication systems that continue to create confusion and negativity. Create systems that encourage, strengthen and support creativity and LOVE. We are to go forward with only the consciousness of LOVE in ALL WAYS, AlWAYS. Many blessings... your site is beautiful... Thank you for sharing yoursweet self and I am so glad you are working with children.... rather of course you are gifted to be working with children.. you are helping them adjust... and they are to be your Highest Teachers.... Love Amira

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