We are all Wisdom Talkers. It is time we all feel safe and confident expressing our collective, intuitive wisdom. This blog is a place to share wisdom, insight, and inspiration to connect to the heart of all beings. As we approach a new creative phase of humanity, we are each asked to move through our limitations and express ourselves and actions from the depths of our hearts and true knowing. As we move into a maturity of spiritual practice, our wisdom will naturally unfold and guide us into who we are and why we are here. Community, God, Passion, and Action in the presence of the One.

Wisdom of the Ancients

Wisdom of the Ancients

The Foundation Stone Meditation

Soul of Man!
You live in the limbs
That carry you through the world of space
Into the sea of spirit-being:
Practice spirit remembrance
In the depths of soul,
Where in the reigning
Cosmic creator-being
Your own I
In God's I
Is begotten;
And you will truly live
In the cosmic human being.

-Rudolf Steiner

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

a note on reality and being awake - a manifesto if you will.

This life is not easy.

The more i try to make it easy, the more i fall back asleep and find myself in a comfortable stupor doing things that aren't good for me. When I face the challenge and FEEL what it is in me that wants the easiness, I really recognize that all it is is a fear of the unknown and a fear that it will be new, boring, scary, empty, nothingness. My father has been telling me for quite some time that the big ups and downs will eventually even out to a more medial flow as we learn to stay awake, in our full consciousness of who we are. This is tough, being home for Christmas, there is a lot of time on my hands and I have already finished three books. I saw some friends from High School and it was kind of difficult for me to be ok with the fact that nothing has really changed between the three of us. My life is very different back home, I am so fortunate to have the job I do, the friends, the lifestyle which offers so much freedom of choice and freedom to be with others who are stepping out of their comfort zones and actualizing their dreams.

How do we actualize our dreams? How do we step out of the norm and break open the sky to witness our true selves, the spark of divine beauty that each one of us contains? Our world continues to meet us with low standards, dead ends, false bait for happiness, separation, denial of the self. My little soul is like a hot zygote inside me... flared up with rage and passion - ready to break free from this existence which aims to control and suppress me. I am a divine human being. I am unafraid to face that which is without integrity and heart. I am free.

Though why do I still make choices which are keeping me locked in? This life is not easy, because it's not like I can just say, OK WORLD! I am free! I break out NOW! Here I am ready to be and do everything I am meant to be and do. It is a process and I cannot really control how fast I grow as a soul. I can take my lessons to heart and learn to integrate them and learn to heal my self as much as I know how and accept the pain of each lesson. This is beautiful: That I actually feel pain, that I am capable of emotion and this is the very thing which makes this life so amazing and blessed.

I am reading so many different books these days...History of Santo Daime religion, info on Indigo children, the path of Sacred Activism, Anastasia, and a lot more. I have many interests and yet there also seems to be this lag in the space time continuum. Like, ok world! I know what I want. Yet certain things and ideas are not caught up in the main stream. My beliefs are not yet held in this time space reality and so I cannot just go out and apply for that position in life which holds my highest potential, it doesn't work that way. And besides, maybe that is a good thing. The question is, how to completely restructure my reality and restructure the external systematic reality at the same time. It's not an immediate reflection. It's like there are certain bubbles which I pop in and out of, some bubbles hold the structure of reality which I hold in myself and some structures just don't, like I have to backtrack and remember who I used to be last year to hold up the structure of the current bubble I find myself in. Does this make any sense?

And yet there are always things I am working on and I am always trying to live my values and be the Self I know I Truly Am. Like, hey World! I am showing up in my higher self, where is the world which acknowledges Freedom, Love, Unity, Expression, Passion, Creativity, Nature, and God? Because this is the reality inside myself! This is who I Am. This is the reality I showed up in as a new born babe, a perfect self, shining all of God's beauty on everything I touched. This is the self which was lost and then found again. This is the self which lashes out in anger and pain when I face a world which is imperfect and selfish and hateful. These things inside myself too. To face that, to face that reality. To recognize and feel the sensitivity of others suffering, of others ignorance at this false separation. The Truth IS: We are not separate. We are a beautiful spark of divine light. We Are Our Collected Dreams. We our how we view ourselves and our reality. The only way things will change is if we change how we view ourselves.

When we can start seeing ourselves as this Truth: Beautiful Infinite Human Souls of Grace and Art - Alive NOW to paint the gray walls of our world with Wounder, Truth, Love, Peace and Freedom. Until we are truly ready to give away our false selves, our false notions of ourselves as guilty trapped good-for-nothings. Nothing will change. It starts first with our inner beliefs, our willingness to get out of our comfort zones. And what is comfortable about our comfort zones anyway? There is nothing comfortable about staying trapped in a limiting view of myself. It hurts and it sucks and it is so bleak and dismal and really the exact equation which keeps our world on this path of destruction. If we stay trapped in our limited beliefs, then the world will stay trapped in its limited expression.

Please. Please. Please. Heart: listen deeply to the song of my soul. Listen sooo very carefully that when the choice which offers me a chance to break a habit of denial and pain arrives, let me walk it head held high. Please. Please. please Soul: when that opportunity arises to grow in unlimited grace and growth, let me open my wings wide to fly on your winds of new expression and discovery. Please. Please. please Spirit: let me soar in this life, let me be an inspiration for all to create a momentous open hearted life. An inspiration to spark all of Spirit to manifest this grand change we so desperately need in order to fulfill the Divine Plan. I Am Here. I Am Ready. I Am Now.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Gift of Love

I Wanted to share this gift from my teacher Anakha Coman. She writes:

I was blessed with the following consolations from the Divine today. I
offer them as my gift to you, may you remember your own wholeness and
Oneness…may your heart be on fire with Divine Love.

* A moment with me fills you with more love than all the lovers of
your lifetime. Where am I? Closer than the breath moving through
your nostrils. Who am I? The Lover behind all loving, the Lover
beyond all lovers. Why am I? Because of you, I AM.

* There are a thousand faces of love held in the Infinite Heart.
You are One with them. You are One of them.

* The heart holds a mystery, an alchemy unknown, unlock the heart
and unlock the code for a new divine humanity.

* All things are conspiring in Love, to open you to Love. All
conditions are conspiring to create the perfect alchemy to birth you
into the next expression of Love. The fires of passion, adoration,
devotion, desire, ecstasy and bliss and the thorns of agony, despair,
heartbreak and grief. This is the alchemical elixir of Love, drink
deeply from the Source of your own Essence.

* This is the journey home. A gathering up of all things into
Love. Love holds all…there is no opposite.

* You are here to enact, embody and express Divine Love in the real.

* Sing Love into the cells of your being body, into the heart of
your heart and into your brothers and sisters.

* Fear is the veiled face of Love, reach beyond the veil into the
true essence.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

prayer for mary magdalene


The Principles of our Sacred Nature

•The Freedom to Choose from LOVE and to be embraced in Love.
•The Ability to FORGIVE and RELEASE and to live in the PRESENT MOMENT fully and completely.
•The power to CREATE our REALITY in ongoing form and to change what we do not desire through making new choices.
•The ability to express SOUL and SPIRIT in the physical as an expression of GRATITUDE through Art, Movement, Sound, Words......all forms of ART and CREATIVITY.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

How do you keep your torch lit?

Checking in and sensing a lot going on inside. I have a tendency to look without to relieve all this tension, emotion, movement inside, internal. So I am writing to check in with it. I had a great intuitive body reading on Friday and want to share a little about what I learned. First of all, I am just now recognizing the reflection that people hold in my life with what is occurring for me internally. If a friend is approaching me asking guidance on emotional eating, it is time I look at this subject with myself. Friend's are great mirrors and I am noticing the parallels more and more as I am either annoyed or attracted to their drama- How can I let it all just be a reflection pointing me to be of service first to myself and awakening my own shadow, and then see if this service toward myself can shine as an example for those around me. This was a little what the reading said. Also - things concerning the heart, it is winter now and time to go inside. This may be hard for a lot of people without loved ones or a beloved around. But now that the Sun is farthest away from Earth, it is our time to bring the sun out inside of ourselves, when the hearth is inside the temple and we warn ourselves with our divine beauty, nurturing health, and prayer. It is easy to go back to old patterns, almost too easy and this is a big symbol for me to stop myself before I do and stay awake, stay present, stay conscious of how I falsely comfort myself and ignore the true yearning: to be with God, to be loved, to be warn and held. This thing I CAN give to myself. These things are all around me, I just need to feel my beauty, my love, and my sweet body and know that I am a divine reflection of God deserving the best and sweetest treatment for myself. Becoming sensitive to the old vibrations and how harmful they are, helps me remember and wise up to the vibrations of love, light, and health. Please be truthful with yourself, please be responsible and clear with your boundaries in your life and totally give 100% the best you can to yourself. I am saying this all because I am learning it too.

Another thing I am learning in tune with this season is the time to be Fallow - or frozen without growth. It is not time to plant seeds, it is time to wait, hold, soften, watch, and embrace the fire within. It is just like me to try to plant the seeds of all my dreams before planting season. They will just freeze and die. It is a good time to let your spiritual self be peaceful and watchful and not fixed on the fire of transformation. Even the winter ground is transforming, it is just a lot more subtle and internal. Meditation, baths, teas, good food. These are all spiritual actions as well as the larger metaphysical, outward, transcendental experiences. In fact, it is ALL spiritual! I must get out of this mindset that some things, some people, some events are spiritual and others are not. It is all a learning for Spirit, it is all opportunity to connect with the Divine. And we are learning to become in balance with the rhythm of every moment, how that connection is manifested and received. It is our responsibility as spiritual lights to keep this torch aglow through every moment and every season. It is OK to forget the torch every once and awhile for this is the time that we are learning how to do this, but keep picking it back up again and light others with yours. Listen to how you want to move in your moment, how the divine wants to manifest, it will be easier and lighter if you do move in this natural rhythm with the seasons. The more you let go of your ideas the better Ideas are what got us in to this mess in the first place. turn off the electrical light upstairs and open the window to the light of the winter moon out your window.

It feels good to write all of this, even if no one reads it. It is my intention to use writing as one of the tools to keep my torch lit. Writing down my Truth, getting my voice out there helps me stay strong and alive. I don't have to rely on anyone else to keep my torch lit, in fact, this is often the misunderstanding about Teachers, Spiritual Groups, Gurus, -that they will keep your torch lit. They can light it for sure, but it is up to you to keep lighting it with your knowledge and inner understanding as the practice is deepened and the motivation towards awakening increases. How do you keep your torch lit?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thoughts on Money

So a friend recently suggested I start writing about money as a way to get out all my undesirable beliefs and patterns surrounding this topic. I have recently been faced with certain circumstances which have pointed me in this direction to fully reveal anything I am holding unconsciously. Money has always been there, not a lot, but is has existed in a form like a cloud above my head, giving me what I need, just as a flower receives water from a rain cloud. It has never been a source of identification or power or lack. It has always fit me comfortably when I needed it. This has been due to my own natural saving habits, my family's upper-middle class upbringing, and my own dis-interest to have any other relationship with it. College was paid for by money inherited when my step-mother died and travels i have taken have either been partially supported by savings or gifts. I am recognizing my privilege in this.

My privilege has kept me blind from my own habits, beliefs, and maturity concerning finance, business, work, security. As I am approaching an age in which I desire more security and independence away from my listless wanderings and discoverings of the world I step down from certain clouds of obscurity and delusion. I have to step up to the cold hard facts. And yet, naming them cold and hard is also a belief pattern and one that is keeping me from earning and living a life with a comfortable flow.

This is exactly what I want. A comfortable flow and a mature and responsible, reasonable position and relationship with money which supports my life the way I want to live it. Money has always been associated with over-work, time out of my life, lack of freedom, not being wild and free and innocent. These are childhood and young adult beliefs. I am ready to take on a life which fully takes responsibility for myself and my needs. This in some way feels scary but very exciting. I can no longer rely on anyone else for support or a false net to fall back on. I don't want to manipulate anyone else for their money or expect that everything will be taken care of it I fall into a hole or a rut.

The tarot reading I received recently suggested three things about money: Three cards fell off the bottom of the deck which were blocking and hiding the Star card, which represents abundance, manifesting dreams, and good fortune. The reading suggesting that if I don't look at these three things, then my vision and dreams will be blocked. This unconsciousness around money blocks the universe from giving me what is coming to me. The universe wants to give to me. The three cards had to do with:

A) Giving my all to what i have in my life right now. Not doing just a B average, but giving an A for effort. B is for betrayal. In ceremony recently i received a message from God. God wants to see what we are doing with what we have already in our lives. Are we thankful, grateful? are we using what we have for good? Are we being resourceful and using our powers of creativity, skill, and heart to act and use our lives purposefully? This is important, because many of us take what we have for granted and are constantly thinking and waiting for what is coming next. Believing if we just focus on manifestation and visualization, we are calling what we "deserve" into our lives: The next job, the next relationship, the next best thing over that hill, if we could just see it, if we could just grasp it. All the time avoiding and stepping over the pitfalls in our own lives and wasting the abundance all around us. God is watching to see what you do with the grace you have received Now. Do you think you will receive something more if you are wasting the gifts you already have? So in my own life, how am I avoiding my job, my home, my body. These are gifts and I am learning to treat them well and use all of my energy and love into shaping and acting and working in joy and peace. This i know will make the fertile ground for the next phase of my life.

2) MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!

Money is neutral. It's what we do with it, how we hold it, and our beliefs which are corrupted and misguided. Money is a huge source for unconscious patterning, avoidance, and victimization/manipulation. It doesn't have to be this way!!!!! Money is actually very simply put our relationship to the Earth plane. A very 1st chakra relationship. If this is weak, we will feel it extended through our whole lives. Money (or we can call it en energy exchange with physicality and effectiveness on the Earth plane), needs to be in place or we will have little effect in our lives and how we can act and create in them. Money is actually an extension of creativity and love. God wants us to be prosperous, to receive the gifts of support and security so that we may do the work of divinity and love. This may be hard to hear, but it means you have a limiting belief around money. The belief could be that those who have it are corrupt and evil, that those who have it are privileged and spoiled, that those who have it are somehow better off and higher than those who don't. These are all false beliefs. The fact is our whole world is controlled by this very simple relationship and that in itself is very unbalanced. It should actually be a lot simpler than this. If economics and money handling and work ethics were taught and shared with an appreciation and respect for money and the general law of practical exchange with the physical world, things would be a lot more balanced. The problem is some are extremely lacking while others have way too much. Having an honest and clean relationship with money and work (part of everyone's life) is a very basic step for every human being. ESPECIALLY those in the new consciousness movement. The fact that we are controlled by our belief that money is "bad" effects how smoothly we may act and make change in this world. Money is an asset and taken with a healthy outlook can aid you in your freedom, wildness, activism, and spiritual passions.

3) Money will not take away your freedom. It will actually give you more freedom. You do not have to be a slave to your job. You do not have to sell yourself. Money may come easily and naturally. But first learn to balance your checkbook!

Monday, November 30, 2009

The First Leap- Finding Career Happiness And Keeping It (As An Example of Dreaming Our Unique World Into Existence)

The First Leap- Finding Career Happiness And Keeping It (As An Example of Dreaming Our
Unique World Into Existence)

By Davin Infinity

Knowing that we are going to spend our entire lives working for money, learning skills or creative expression -
then career happiness could be considered as important as spiritual growth. In modern times we are often forced
into this decision at a very young age where we could not possibly understand the importance of the decision or
have the information to effectively make it. As a result we find ourselves later down the road in jobs we don’t
enjoy, wondering where it all went wrong. Our current system is set up to finance capital gain interests and not
healthy, creative living. So we are wounded by our spirits need to find work that makes us and the planet feel
alive. No matter what you are doing right now, fulfilling happiness comes from your work being in alignment
with your true calling or “souls’ purpose.”
Thankfully, regardless of your current situation it is possible to make a change. I understand for some it is harder
than others due to commitment and financial responsibility, but it can be done. If we are to make a change
and experience career happiness then we need two things.
1 - We need to know what it is we really want to do.
And we must command it into being with precisive focus and a belief that it is for our best.
2 - Have a plan to make it happen. Only actions bring results. Use creative visualization to see the reults.
The new world is upon us and that means new career opportunities and more support for that which brings us
into alignment with creative conscious evolution.
So first, how do you figure out what you actually want to do? The best way to figure this out is to write down
the conditions and benefits you are looking for then work backwards. For example, I want:
-A job or business that allows me to work from home.
-I want to work in an field that benefits humanity and our children
-I want to work with clients and coworkers that are bringing change and are inspired to transform.
And so on...
Once you have this criteria identified and written down something great happens. Your subconscious takes over
and you just start to notice opportunities that you never saw before. You will start to move in that direction.
Things will start to take shape in a way that you never imagined possible. But you must decide to be healthy and
wealthy right now! True Wealth is:
-Knowing you are completely taken care of by mother Earth. For she is infinitely abundant and only wants the
best for her children. (Poverty consciousness has been a weapon created by empires to enslave us from our inner
powers of manifesting anything we want and manifesting the individual freedom to pursue it on our own.)
-Understanding that only you are in control of your reality and your reality is limited to what you believe in.
-Knowing that your bank account is only a direct reflection of your belief in yourself and your relationship to
gifts of energy-money and the level of service and giving you act upon with others.
-Wealth is sustained happiness, freedom, health, and service to others. These are the true earthly riches/values.
Make a decision today to be wealthy. Write down this goal, integrate into a vision board or carry the paper with
you at all times. Take a look at your goal every day: Today I decide to be wealthy. Your conscious decision to
make a choice is the beginning of all your journeys. The moment you make a decision your consciousness will
automatically start working on the solution to create that reality. It will be a lifetime journey to find within.
Secondly, we need a plan. Work on your new opportunity part time and grow it slowly until it is substantial
enough to switch to it full time. It will happen, it just may take a few more years than you hoped for, and need a
little more effort. What choice do you have though? Your reward for this is life long career happiness and a job
or business you love that lest you share your gifts to the world.

The Template

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Receiving Resonance Medicine by Wahkeena Sitka Huva

Written in Response to the essay, “Tuning In!” published in the most recent issue of Conscious Dancer Magazine.

Listen to the sounds surrounding you now. Open your ears. What do you hear? In every moment, we are saturated in a vibrational field of sounds, resonating within the cellular chamber of our body. Our body receives every sound and energy pulsing through it, from the dump truck picking up trash first thing in the morning, to the sound of a bus beeping as it backs up, to the sound of a hummingbird hovering just above us out of reach, to the undulating pulsings of a deep throat singing tone. Every sound registers in our body, and if we are present enough to the sensations in our body as we sit in a Modern Urban environment, we can learn how to become vibrationally aware to the degree that our bodies are being constantly thwarted in its attempt to reside in a peaceful state of homeostasis. Our bodies have the capacity to experience deep states of blissfulness, relaxation and pleasure. And likewise, our bodies have the tremendous capacity to be overwhelmed by stress, tension, pain and irritation.

In the world of instruments, when one cello begins vibrating or one singing bowl begins vibrating, other stringed instruments and singing bowls nearby begin picking up that vibration and begin humming with a vibration in response – this is called sympathetic resonance. Likewise, our body instruments are subconsciously trained to respond to the world by the law of sympathetic resonance, and thus – in vibrationally contractive environments, in noisy, loud, scattered and jarring environments, we feel that down into our bones. And in response, we begin withdrawing ourselves; we begin putting up our shields so we don’t take in any more damaging stress from the surrounding environment. This is what it feels like to me when I walk the sidewalks of Manhattan – an overwhelming intensity is assaulting my subconscious field and my body in every moment, and in order to maintain balance within, it becomes crucial to disconnect from the surroundings, to put up psychic shields of self-protection and withdraw to safe, quiet environments.

But our bodies react much differently when we are in joyful, blissful, quiet or meditative environments. Due to our body’s sympathetic resonance response, in the presence of a body of moving water with a strong current and waterfalls, our body opens up to merge with the environment. It is the opposite of the contractive nature of sympathetic resonance in the city. Our body naturally wants to melt into a state of bliss, and that is possible in environments that are vibrationally conducive to pleasure – where our bodies open up and receive the sensual pleasures of moving water, the gentle rustling of wind through branches, the subtlety of our bare feet upon cold, damp mossy boulders.

Something altogether different can happen when we enter into a high energy state of making sounds – making music, and dancing. An elation washes over us like a waterfall pouring over our hearts – our spirit begins pouring through us with creative energy, the natural fire of our soul singing joy. Whether our creative energy takes the form of our voice channelling sound current through our vocal chords with the vibrations moving through our bodies, or hands upon drums creating rhythm – this is creative energy in its purest state. A natural energy moving through us without having to try to understand it – it moves through us and we become moved by the experience. And this, in sympathetic resonance, is moving to others, and causes others to move – their bodies.

For thousands of years, tribal rituals have taken place in the Nairobi desert in Africa, where the Bushmen live and dance all night long around a bonfire. An American shaman named Bradford Keeney has travelled to Namibia many times and danced with the Bushmen there, who are renowned for their shamanic abilities to reach transcendental states of ecstasy through all night dance ceremonies, which enables them to do their healing work. In the context of a village bonfire, with the women clapping and singing polyrhythmic songs, and the men dancing themselves into altered states of consciousness – the work of healing the village is done, by clearing the energy of the village by keeping the community heart centered and loving with each other. This is facilitated by the deep states of union and liberation that happen in the context of community up all night long dancing and chanting songs. The shamans are able to do their healing work when they have danced themselves into a transcendental oblivion, and they have built themselves up to a ‘boiling point’ of N’om in their abdomen. When their ecstatic energy has built up in their abdomen, they are then able to release it and discharge it like an orgasm having its release, and that high ecstatic energy IS the medicine. The shamans then apply their ecstatic medicine upon the bodies of the ill by laying on the bodies of those receiving, and undulating their spirit medicine into them and melting into them through deep states of trance. But in order for that ecstatic energy to be released, there must be a song and a rhythm to coax forth the ecstasy and guide it rhythmically along the current of melody.

Thus, song is shamanic. And our bodies are shamanic receptor sites – capable of moving tremendous amounts of healing energy when our hearts and bodies open up to respond with the sympathetic resonance of rhythm. Our bodies dance, our hearts expand to take in more, to drink deeply of the elation of our spirit catapulted into the joy of this song. And in the world of vibration and sympathetic resonance, we can uplift others to reach this healing vibration of ecstasy. We begin sending out the pulsations of a heart uplifted by joy and transcendance. This is our work as light workers – to be radio receivers transmitting the pulsations of an awakened heart – this is our pure light, our divine birthright and work.

There is so much distrust and fear on the planet. So many hearts un-opened. So many hearts that need to receive so much love, compassion and healing. So many hearts that simply want to be felt, recognized, understood – held in the arms of the mother, the divine mother of compassion. So many hearts and minds afraid to let go and surrender to the transcendental bliss beating within them if they would let themselves feel more deeply – the pleasure of song, the pleasure of love, the pleasure of bathing in pristine waters and the pleasure of being held in a warm, open-hearted caress. Sound, song and dance are some of the biggest tools we have to offer the world of fear. When looking into the glowing eyes of a joyful dancing goddess, swept up into the passion of the song catapulting her into a frenzied state of bounce, how can one bear resisting to sympathetically resonate with that state of joy. It is the natural impulse of the heart to desire being open, to be happy.

Thus, I was inspired to offer and facilitate Ecstatic Medicine vocal circles. The voice is our primary instrument – we are automatically endowed with it, it is free, goes with us everywhere, and can propel us into healing states if worked with intentionally. Our voice is also one of those aspects of many people that carries with it a level of fear, intimidation and insecurity. Having facilitated many vocal circles now, I have seen that many, many people are scared to use their voice and express feeling “blocked” in their voice; as though there is something holding them back or choking their vocal expression. The mind does amazing things to get in the way of our natural abilities to be birdlike and resonate with playful liberation.

Those who are gifted with a beautiful voice have been given a special gift to offer the world, a gift that has often been called “Having Soul” – a gift that can inspire many deep feelings: of beauty, of awe, ecstatic elation, tears, & chills down the spine. And the voice, when used intentionally in self-cultivation practices such as Yoga and QiGong and Reiki, can be used in such a way as to bring oneself into deep states of meditation and inner balancing. The voice is probably the best tool we have to access vibrational experience on a body-based, cellular-based level. And as the voice passes through our body chamber, we can experience so much vibrational resonance throughout our torso, lungs, heart, throat and head. This can help us direct our attention inwardly – into our felt experience of the body. Thus the voice is our primary meditation tool! We can cultivate a meditative awareness more easily when we focus our attention on what we experience in our bodies, combined with deep breathwork practice and internal energetic cultivation arts.

The basis of my entire practice is thus: the merging of inner attention cultivation practices, with sounding, vocalizations, breathwork, inspired by Qigong – then moving into practicing deep listening, resonating, primal sounding and chanting into spontaneous tribal song play. When participants enter intentionally into a sacred space with the focus on using the voice for inner cultivation and raising ecstatic energy, people open up and move into transcendant spaces. My work is very much a guided journey into the realm of channelling the celestial energy within the group – because at the heart of every person, is a divine essence seeking to be remembered and embodied. We are all divine embodiments of divine source or God / Goddess, wanting to know and experience love and deep states of union with the divine.

The magic happens when we attune our attention to listening and merging into group states of union. When we put our attention on the sounds we are hearing and feeling in our bodies, emanating from each others mouths, we are being bathed in a celestial choir – the beauty of each other’s sounds and voices offers us a space to merge with that sympathetic resonance and melt into harmonic bliss.

We are living in transformational times on Planet Earth, everyone can feel it – the period of Denial has passed. We all know it. Changes are afoot, and everyone has begun being lifted into greater and greater levels of transformational intensity over the last few years. For better or for worse, the old paradigm ways are falling away and we will be learning a new way of acclimating to a transformational Earth. In my shamanic, visionary awakenings – I have received visions and downloads about the transformation occurring on Planet Earth. And I believe strongly that we are living on a Planet that is about to undergo a dramatic energetic shift. While the message of fearing the Earth’s transformational process is being broadcasted in the media, I believe the real message coming from the Earth herself is that of an ecstatic rebirthing. Thus, if we wish to learn how to ride the transformative currents emerging from the Earth, we must learn how to be more embodied, more body-centered and intuitively body-based in our awareness – in order to listen to the Earth’s energy and be attuned to her knowledge and information.

I believe that as a culture – we must begin learning how to become more attuned to the Earth’s energy and information – by spending time in Nature, and learning how to feel more deeply. Too many have become hard crusted and disconnected from the Earth in urban environments. I believe that using our voices, using sounding, in combination with QiGong and practicing energy cultivation arts in Sacred Sites is going to become crucial in ones ability to understand how to feel the information emanating from the Earth through her time of rebirth. Thus my vision for offering healing gatherings is moving in the direction of facilitating celestial activation Ecstatic Medicine vocal circles in Sacred Sites around the planet.

When we learn how to trust our divine selves, and we learn how to open our hearts to trusting our divine guidance from the universe – we have nothing to fear. When we learn how to trust the energy moving through our voices and moving through our bodies, we can learn how to trust spirit speaking through us. When we learn how to trust our divine essence, we can learn how to trust the intuition and Divine Essence in another. When we learn how to trust the ability of the community or circle of friends to come together and co-create a channelling of that open hearted energy of union through sound, voice and movement, we can learn how to trust the ability of humanity to step up to the next level on our ascent on the evolutionary ladder. We are all in it together, and everybody has their own divine part to play in the story that is unfolding. None of us will make it unless we work together, create together, play together, cooperate together, love together and sing together!

You can Find Wahkeena Sitka Huva at http://illumin.escens.org/

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Stepping up to who I am

After so many days breaking open my heart and mind in a new expression of love for God and the Self, winter approaches to freeze the deal and allow me time to rest. I have been up and down in the last few years and I have come to a place of, "Oh yes, I have done a lot of work. A lot of my life is supporting me and my devotion to my heart's path." If you think that you are stuck and see no end to your turmoil - job, money, family, etc. Please do not give up. Please know that there is a divine plan working for you and through you. You are being guided at every moment. Know that every circumstance in your life is an opportunity to throw yourself into the change and transformation which will shift you in a new direction, away from all that does not serve you.

A woman came up to me yesterday after a show. She looked me in my eyes and said, "You have it don't you. You are so happy. I can see it in your eyes. You have it."
I just looked back at her with full expression of my heart and said, "It is so easy. It is so easy." Letting her know that it is possible, that it is a sacred Truth- that light and love are possible, are natural divine expressions of the soul. I am not saying that one must be happy at all times, that the good must triumph over pain and suffering. I am expressing a new understanding and comfort in myself that reflects the work of going through the dark night of the soul and coming out the other end fully engaged with the light. Breaking open the heart into the center of my being creates the momentum of such change and surrender that Light is now a stronger source of energy and movement in my life. I had to give up a lot of myself and my ideas to come to a place of intuitive faith and trust in the divine plan and my place in it. To trust that if I surrender, my path will open to me and God will directly guide me toward the movement and action that needs to be taken. It was these steps and the surrendering of my smaller self that has lead me to where I am now.

I recognize myself as one who does not settle for anything less than wholeness, kindness, compassion, and mercy. If I throw myself down on my knees and open my heart to God, I expect a result. If I am faced with a drama or situation from another which forces me to look at myself and my behavior, I look. I look, listen, and act from the best of my integrity to grow and develop into a wiser being with a stronger inclination toward the light. I do not dwindle in the pain long, I use it as momentum to grow and re-birth myself. I know that every situation that calls for my attention is being called for a reason. I meditate on how I can be of assistance for God, how I can grow into a stronger and lighter being, what the best use of my energy is, and who in the situation needs affirmation and love.

I have a very strong desire to serve humanity. This desire does not come from my mind, but from my heart. It is this desire which motivates me every day to learn more about my world and about my particular gifts and callings in this life. How do i work? What do I work for? What is keeping me from my service and active presence to every moment, medium, object, and being. It is usually "I" and the choices that "I" make which keep me from this larger harmony and flow. As I learn to step away from what I want and what the rebel in me chooses, the larger self can be the intuitive directive flow which graces my life.

This is the place that I am in. After two months of incredible transformational and direct experiences of the divine at work through me, through those around me, and in the very breath and air of life, I am somewhat back to the basics again. How to move and act with this clear self. But don't get me wrong, the other self is still there attempting to trick me and bump off my road at every move. I now take it less seriously and get to play more. I am learning compassion for myself and grace as I steer my vehicle along this divine path.

I find that life has this equilibrium and disequilibrium law. In disequilibrium life is in a state of transformation and change and cyclical shifts. This is a time for creative influx, insight, movement and new change. This is a state I am very used to. In Disequilibiruam we are being blown like a leaf off a tree as fall turns to winter. It is a beautiful dance with nature and God. Often times I completely lose myself in this dance and this feels exactly right. I have no control and yet new grace, art, love, harmony are the simplest actions at every moment. People, places, activities fit in a flow of constant synchronicity and enjoyment. There are times of disequilibirum that feel so intense that when my mind tries to understand, it feels shattered at the weight of intense movement and insight. In Equilibrium we must learn to embody and ground with these wave like reverberations from the state before. We learn to balance and harmonize in this larger state of awareness. As I approach the equilibrium state, I can either fall back down to where I was before the transformational experience and forget everything I just went through, or I can use my new knowledge and energy from my experiences as a place of wisdom and insight as I take a breath and re-harmonize and ground. Each state of equilibrium is a step higher and more in tune with where I want to be going and what I am being called to do. It is in these equilibrium states that support a grounded and clear presence where real active work can be done. The problem with equilibrium and human nature is that we often find it hard to hold these states and unconsciously create disequilibrium in harmful ways. If we can withstand, meditate and hold a conscious breathing space for our new awareness we will be lead organically to the next natural state of disequilibrium without our harmful influence. This process makes me think of a coil spiraling upwards, always higher than the spot below, but in a cyclical movement - unlike a linear ladder or stair pattern.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Friends,

Don Pablo was sick for several weeks.
This morning Don Pablo passed onto his next experience.
We are all so blessed to have had him on the planet in physical form at the same time as us.

His legacy of kindness, generosity, art and spirit is a gift beyond measure.
Let us all hold him in our hearts and minds and souls with light and intention for a clear and strong transition.

In celebration of a life well lived and with deep love. . .

Considered one of the world’s greatest visionary artists, Pablo Amaringo is renowned for his highly complex, colorful and intricate paintings of his visions from drinking ayahuasca. Once a practicing shaman, curandero (spiritual healer) and vegetalista, Pablo has gracefully and graciously manifested the spiritual teachings from his ayahuasca experiences, giving birth to his visionary art.

As Humanity Awakes...

Maya Elder Hunbatz Men shares: "...as humanity awakes to the spirit in all matter, I have absolute hope that we will begin to live and work in a sacred way again. We did not come this far through the burden of time and space to end it in this way. We are here to be victorious. We are here to witness and participate in the great celebration.

"It is funny humanity as a whole feels that we have no impact on this reality. How can we believe so little of ourselves that we feel we are just blowing in the wind, as if by accident, just witnessing or being a victim of this reality. The big issues we face today on Mother Earth are directly related to our lack of self-esteem. Isn't it funny that clearing up old self-esteem issues could save the Planet! Think about it! We need to realize, honor and respect our creative force and realize we are creators. We hold this reality together. We are the keepers of the Earth. When we truly honor ourselves and our awesome creative power we will again live in a sacred way where we honor all life. When we honor all life the essence/spirit of all living things will manifest.

"Humanity is waking up, and in this important year we are riding the crest of a very big wave. We are living on the edge. We are living between worlds. How we live, the choices we make, the sensitivities we develop, and our love and honor for all life will see us through."

Saturday, October 31, 2009

You Contain All Within You

Guidance from Eileen Caddy

You contain within you peace which passeth all understanding. Reflect that peace in your outer living and circumstances, or you can contain turmoil within and reflect that without. You cannot hide that which is going on within, for sooner or later that will be reflected on the outer. All that you are, all that you do, all that you say stems from within. Get straight within and you will be straight without and will be able to do all that has to be done with a great sense of peace and tranquillity. When you are in that state of consciousness all will go smoothly and there will be time for everything.

Divine Love Begins By Seducing you...

by kissing you on the inside of your heart. That is how it hooks you. Then it feeds you with ecstasy and vision and revelation, drawing you deeper and deeper into a devouring longing to be one with it. When your longing is great enough and you are surrendered enough to it, Love changes into a Black Lion and tears you limb form limb. Then, when you have been scattered to the four quarters of the universe and not a scrap of "you" remains and darkness reigns, the Lion turns golden and roars and "you" are reassembled, resurrected and yoiur whole being shines with the Glory of the Lion's own Light, the light of the Sun.

All this is natural and logical in the dimension of Divine Nature and Divine Logic. You cannot being to understand it through human reason or through the intellect or even through contemplation; you can only begin to understand it through Love. Love itself will teach what you need. But to be able to learn at all, you will have to have made yourself open through many years of prayer, meditation and service of all living things and beings.

~ Andrew Harvey

Friday, October 16, 2009

Guidance from Eileen Caddy Be Enthusiastic About Life

Wake up and live. Set your sights high, the higher the better. Expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. Realise that nothing is too good. Allow absolutely nothing to hamper you or hold you up in any way. Be enthusiastic about life. It is a wonderful life; make it so by your enthusiasm. Learn to be very clear and definite about what you desire in life and never be vague or uncertain. You can do all things, you can be all things to all men, when your faith and trust are in Me. Have confidence in your ability to do all things because you are drawing your substance, your all, from Me. I AM your all in all.
16 October 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Article on Shaminsm - by diamondlady

In the Native American tradition, a Shaman is a spiritual healer. It has been said that a Shaman is gifted with the ability to walk between the worlds, that being of this earth earth dimension, as well as, all of the Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes within The Pure Consciousness of the Cosmic Infinite Circle of the Universal Source of All That Is. A Shaman remembers, embraces, and treasures the Infinitely Spiritual Soul BEing of Light that they are and of their spiritual gifts and utilizes those gifts as a means to be a clear channel of Vibrational Healing Through Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light, and message to all souls whom come to them seeking assistance on their spiritual journey. A Shaman goes through what we call here on this earth dimension as many initiations both physically and spiritually, two BEing One. These initiations are gifts that are gifted to the Shaman from Spirit within Infinite Agreement; as this Shaman has so chosen on a soulful resonance for these initiations to occur before incarnating into any gift Life Experience. This enables the Shaman to remember, embrace, and treasure the all inclusive inner wisdom of Spirit so as to assist others on their spiritual path in Spiritual Oneness.

Does this mean that on a physical level a Shaman is able to rid the physical body of all illness within them in order to be a Shaman? Does this mean that a Shaman will be able to "heal" as in get rid of all physical illnesses from within the physical body of others? The answer to both questions is No. For while a Shaman has the ability to be a clear channel of healing, the healing is free from being "done" by a Shaman. The Shaman knows that they are simply (as simple as) the clear channel for Vibrational Healing Through Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light, and message; that this soul requesting the healing and is choosing to BE within a resonance of Vibrational Healing Through Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light, and message themselves, is in fact what heals them. The Shaman knows that healing, in whichever form it takes on and if any is meant to occur, will simply occur within the soul whom is requesting the healing if they choose it to be healed, to BE Infinite Radiant Well~BEing, Absoulute love, Infinite Light. The Shaman then also knows that all physical manifestations of healing are free from being meant to be what we term on this earth dimension as eradicated. For the Shaman knows that there are moments that the Great Spirit in co-creation with us as a soul, have agreed that an illness or an event that has occurred to be present and stay present for a particular time, even for an entire Life Experience for the Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience that this soul and all souls that soul touches are being invited to remember, embrace, and treasure.

Does one call themselves a Shaman? No, because in the Native American culture it is considered to be rude and boastful to call oneself a Shaman. Other souls whom have seen and can attest to a Shamans spiritual healing, readings, spiritual guidance, and other infinite forms of spiritual wisdom may revere and so call the Shaman as such but it is free from being up to the Shaman to do so. Being revered as a Shaman and therefore BEing a Shaman in the Native American culture is a way of life, free from being 'just something that you do'. Shamans walk the spiritual life with reverence themselves, walking in Absoulute Love, beauty, peace, and balance with all, for all, and of things of this earth earth dimension and within all of the Infinite Dimensions, Infinite Universes, and Infinite Parallel Universes. The totems within animal or other infinite forms that come forth, that are gifted to the Shaman to assist them with their journey here on this earth dimension.

These totems stay with the Shaman infinitely as both the Shaman and the totem have agreed to on a soulful resonance, Spiritual Soul BEing to Spiritual Soul BEing, as One. The earth dimensional concept of numbers of Life Experiences (or lifetimes as we call it here on this earth dimension) is free from being of any consequence to the Shaman, as the Shaman experiences the all inclusive inner wisdom of Universal Source of All That Is tin which all Life Experiences are lived instantaneously, simultaneously, and synchronistically as One Life; that it is just a matter of which Life Experience that we choose to focus on within this moment within this physical body that gifts us with this Life Experience. The totem can be presented in the form of a rock being such as a rock, a feather or a shell found on the shores of a beach, a crystal, an animal in spirit or physically here on this earth dimension, or anything that is of this earth dimension that gifts the Shaman the ability to remember, embrace, and treasure our connection with the Great Spirit. A Shaman works with as many totems as they have chosen to before they incarnated into any Life Experience, although memory of this choosing may be free from being remembered until much later in the Shaman's initiations. These totems along with other guidance and wisdom from Spirit are what is known in the Native American tradition as the earth dimension Shamanic medicine that a Shaman carries with them and within them always, In All Ways, infinitely... (continued at http://www.diamondlady.net/shamanism.html )

Sunday, October 11, 2009

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Practice 28 ~ The Forgiveness of Oneness

by. Rev. Anakha Coman

“If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.”

— Mother Teresa

“The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.”

— from A Course in Miracles

“Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.”

— Mahatma Gandhi



Jesus asks us to forgive “7 times 70.” In the forgiveness of Oneness, you’re being asked to see every action and behavior as either an expression of love or a request for it, and then respond appropriately. And the only appropriate response is to offer your love and forgiveness. Extend compassion to yourself, others, and the world. In the kingdom of Oneness, no one is excluded—everyone belongs and deserves loving-kindness.

Yes, there are natural consequences to your choices, and boundaries are set to honor your integrity. The process of forgiveness is continuous, as we receive and circulate the grace of Oneness in our lives. The ability to authentically forgive your trespasses and those of others is a demonstration of your commitment to living in the presence of Oneness.

It’s time to release any bitterness or resentment and become fully available as a conduit of grace and love in the world. In today’s practice, you surrender to the power of God to heal your heart, asking for Divine assistance in giving up old wounds and releasing your attachment to self-righteousness and personal justification, no matter how grievous the act. Being judgmental (of yourself and others) and holding on to past grievances block the flow of Oneness into your heart. Today, place your heart in the hands of God, and allow your Soul to lead you into the peaceful, still waters—the resting place of forgiveness.

Your ego will cling to your old habits, but your Soul will desire the sweet tenderness and mystical alchemy of forgiveness. Ask for God’s help in breaking through the ego’s attachment to always being on the offensive. Invoke the consciousness of Matthew 18:20: “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Invite God into your relationships, and trust that the Divine is with you, doing for you what you can’t do for yourself.

Take 30 minutes today to sit in prayerful silence and reflection. Light a candle as a symbol of God’s healing power and presence. Ask God to gently guide you to the places that most need forgiveness. In your journal, write down your responses to the following: What resentments have you been harboring? What amends are you being called upon to make to yourself and others? How can you heal the “mood of unlove” in your life and relationships through the power of forgiveness?

Breathe in and breathe out. Trust your guidance and the organic, mystical alchemy of forgiveness. Continue to request God’s help in reconciling with yourself, with others, and with the world. Jot down the names of people you’re willing to forgive. With whom are you willing to make amends? Allow yourself to be guided to the perfect healing action and communication in each circumstance. There’s no right way to practice the forgiveness of Oneness. A humble and willing heart is the only requirement.

Are you willing to free yourself from the prison of separation that your resentments and judgments keep you locked in? Offer your prayers to God as you review the list of names in your journal, and wait for Divine guidance. Ask, “God, what would you have me do to heal this?” Do your part today to mend the fabric of Oneness in your life. Forgiveness is a gift—open up and receive it today!


I AM transforming resentments into compassion through the power and presence of Divine Love.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

St. Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly
where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and
pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing
you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow
your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Waking up from the dream

Waking Up From The Dream

Waking up from the dream: I was watching the rivers be mined for ore and oil and copper and stone and crystal as huge plates of knife cut into her black mud and sought her mystery. She was ugly in this state, unappreciated, uncared for and devastatingly hurting. I awoke crying, in rage, in sadness, in misery at this very direct message from my mother; from me. My own body, my own spirit has been treated in this way. The feeling I was having as a human in this experience of witnessing my mother be drugged, raped, and beaten – was like watching my own mother, Sally Marie Torkos be eaten alive by demons. As I write this I am still crying, attempting to put each word down so that I can fully release this medicine. I understand my place here on Earth more and more each day and sometimes it’s just enough to work to hold on and not choose to curl up and fall asleep for another 2,000 years. I am strong though, and feel Her and My and God’s strength returning.

The second part of the dream was the very deep sensation of the magic of the Daime in my body and blood working on me like Ephedrine (the word very clear in the dream directing me further to the story of this plant Ephedra). Now this is an interesting bit because here is what I read on the web about ephedrine:

Ephedrine (EPH) is a sympathomimetic amine commonly used as a stimulant, appetite suppressant, concentration aid, decongestant, and to treat hypotension associated with anaesthesia. Ephedrine is similar in structure to the (semi-) synthetic derivatives amphetamine and methamphetamine. Chemically, it is an alkaloid derived from various plants in the genus Ephedra (family Ephedraceae). It is most usually marketed in the hydrochloride and sulfate forms.
In traditional Chinese medicines, the herb má huáng (麻黄, Ephedra sinica) contains ephedrine and pseudoephedrine as its principal active constituents. The same is true of other herbal products containing extracts from Ephedra species. Nagayoshi Nagai was the first one to isolate ephedrine from Ephedra distachya (syn. Ephedra vulgaris) in 1885. The substance called soma mentioned in old Hindu books such as the Rig Veda, may have been ephedra extract. This, however, is disputed, as the identity of soma.
The production of ephedrine in China has become a multi-million dollar export industry. Companies producing for export extract US$13 million worth of ephedrine from 30,000 tons of ephedra annually, 10 times the amount that is used in traditional Chinese medicine.[1]
The medicine of the plant held within it the curing aid to heal my heart and soul and reestablish for me my virginity and my connection to Source (which is the True Mystery that had once been –and still is being- raped from humanity).

This source or medicine was a rainbow field in which held the capacity for all healing to happen, and once healed, would instill in me the gift of healing others – I became this Ephedrine, this plant medicine – was transformed into the aiding rainbow light which when touched illuminated others light.

This is what we are: Medicine. Our whole being is capable of delivering sound, movement, prayer, speech, bodywork, handwork, creative expression, loving touch, energy awareness and expansion, knowledge, feeling, smiles, hugs, and kisses. This is our work – to discover how we each are medicine ourselves and for each other. This is a beautiful part of the story we are in, because it is where true magic lies. In healing each other and ourselves, we create miracles (at once something only God was capable of). And yes, that is just the time we are living in – a time of Miracles that the angels have been singing about and guiding us towards. When you hear this bit in you, when you recognize a wrongdoing or a misconception toward another it is like a key which asks you to heal. This key when found and used to unlock yourself, in discovering will be the next step to return this medicine on. It will act like a gift which keeps giving. I unlock myself, learn, adjust and courageously unlock you. Now it is your turn, this key, handed to you will take shape into the healing magic potential for your own wounds be they large or small. And maybe one day, one beautiful day, perhaps a new or Full moon, perhaps a nice alignment of numbers, all the keys will be opened and all will be healed and returned to the divine harmony which Is at All Time(s), but must be realized. Just like you would not let go of a sick friend, we must not let go of anybody who shows up at our door in seek of advice, a place to rest, a bite to eat or an ear to listen to. This is our calling – to return to Integrity and Love. This medicine we have is not just for humans – but for plants, animals, spirits, rocks, trees, unconsciousness, unrest, unfelt emotions, repressed anger, and trapped conditions in the body which act just as carcinogens compounds.

And the last part of the dream – which ties into another very interesting conversation I had last night with a beautiful young man- his second or third work- about an experience he had with his very own soul. And I will keep his name omit for protection and honor of his identity.

In his experience he was in question of himself. “What do I have to clean in myself to reach this place of alignment which the Doctrine is speaking of?” He went on a journey inside himself deep down into caves of his being and finally at the very bottom, the very center he found a Crystal Geode covered in moss and clay. He told me that the Daime did not know what to do with it, which I realize now is his own misperception on what the Daime is and what he is here to do. It is not that the Daime does not know, the Daime is only the pointer, the Ephedra which enters the waters of our bodies to make amends with the cancer. It is the Presence in our minds and souls which will do the aiding and curing. He did not want to wash the moss and clay off the Geode, he did not want to cut into it. And this I believe is a beautiful insight, because he is recognizing his power of free will and free choice – of freedom. Remembering the first bit of my dream I recall the black waters of Earth being scraped clean of her Geodes, Her virginity Her blood Her Mystery.

Think of the Woman of your life. Think of the feminine principle of beauty and feel that. Feel her, please. Please. Feel her pain – she is asking for us to hold her and to be with her. She is ready to stop crying.

This Geode inside my friend is inside us all. This Geode represents the True Virginity, Sanctity, Pristine Purity of Our Mother – it is the Crystal Heart of Master Jesus, the Crystal Heart within – the Divine Emerald Green Medicine which was activated as we walked through the 09/09/09 portal.

Here is a bit on that:

Emerald Green Crystal Activation 09-09-09
Wisdom of the Ages by Katya Gale Carney,
May 2001 The most direct thought forms are transmitted in emerald green. This crystal ray has been your symbol of new life, new form, money, “luck” and transmuted love. Green pastures have been a symbol of comfort to you. “In the green” has been a symbol of good fortune. It has been most easily observed in the spring of your year when new growth spurts up. Do you know that in the fifth dimension, growth will be continuous, and not necessarily seasonal? It can be created to be seasonal, but it is not necessary, as everything will be available by the use of your thought forms. However, some of you will desire to have flower and vegetable gardens and you will create growth patterns for them because you love the memory of the beauty of the plants and blossoms. As the emerald green crystal is activated to higher vibrations, it forms a connecting link between your intelligence and your divine mind. It combines your creative will with your thought forms to bring forth creative genius as it joins with your heart center. Now, and in the years to come on your earth, it will be considered “normal” for all children to display the intelligence that you now classify as genius. The green ray brings great clarity to your mental body through the stimulation of your computer brain, enhancing your ability to focus and to hold your concentration. United with the intuitive and discriminating faculties of your third eye, you will more easily express inspired insight and detailed clarity from your divine mind. You will align your whole BEing to bring forth, through science, only that which is best for the whole and in accord with divine will and love. Your consciousness will make quantum leaps toward the infinite. You will achieve full understanding of the mathematics and physics of the cosmic laws of creation. You will scan divine mind to literally seek out the answer to any question that can be conceived. With your added focus and clarity of mind, you will BEhold perfection in any of your visionary pictures with complete detail, thus you are BEcoming the great healer and inventor of the next dimension. The emerald green crystal ray is the soul ray of many of the priest-scientists embodied on your planet who are members of the Brotherhood of Enoch. Through this scientific brotherhood, working in union with Michael, Melchizedek and Metatron, all of your foundations of your world will BE rebuilt; bringing forth the union of your heart and your mind….science and religion….East and West. As these former separations are bridged through your “new” scientific community now coming forth, you will BEcome aware of more keys to unlock the frontiers of cosmic science, stepping into the stars as is your birthright. [Manataka's friend and neighbor Katya Gale Carney authored many beautiful explanations of higher vibration energies long before many Light workers of today were out of diapers. Grandmother Katya's knowledge goes far beyond... Her heart is pure beauty.]
~ by Gary Jacobsson on August 29, 2009.

This crystal CAN NOT be mined. It CAN NOT be touched. It is the true virginity of our planet and it resides in Humanity. Humanity is free and will always be free as we discover, heal, and cleanse ourselves and each other. We are Rainbow children; we are of the Indigo and Crystal tribes. We have come back home to bless this Eden with our Magic and Mystery and Love. We are not messing around, for we are warriors too. We are here to dismantle the carcinogens system which sucks the life out of our mother. And our mission is to create the harmony for the next seed of life, the next generation of children. We are Her Blessing, Her Fruit, Her Love. We are Humanity birthed again in the flower of Christ, our savior. This flower is Our protective shield, Our playground, and Our identity.

That is all for now. I love you all so much. Thank you for holding and witnessing me.

Rev. Orchid Wisdom Talker Jones

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Divine Female

Divine Female: Stand in your power.
Divine Female: Open your heart.
Divine Female: Let shine your magnificent beauty, oh Creator, oh blessed Sacred heart of our mother!
Divine Female: Your wings are strong, your feet planted, your smile and eyes are jewels for our hearts to witness!
Oh Sacred Woman of the Forest! Seed of Life! Star Child sister friend! I call you to step forward to your rightful place!
Stand firm in yourself!
Be the roots, the trunk, and the branches.
Merciful Lady of my heart, please purify my soul so all men and women may know your infinite wisdom.

Desire Of Oneness - By Rev. Anakha Coman

“Bliss becomes blissful with practice. In our own bliss the desire, desirer and process of desiring are united—they are one. Desire is fulfilled at its source.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

“People who renounce desires

often turn, suddenly,

into hypocrites!”

Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks)

“Desire is the very essence of man.”

Benedict de Spinoza



Trust your innate desires, sourced in the presence of Oneness, to bring you into profound connection with yourself, others, and your Divine purpose. Your authentic desire is one of your most precious and vital life-force energies; it’s essential in order to achieve lasting fulfillment and well-being. Allowing yourself to trust and follow your heartfelt wishes is a powerful practice of Oneness. Everything proceeds from this state, and no single action or thing is more worthy than another. As you follow your inner wisdom, you play an essential part in creating a world that benefits everyone, that blesses all

Enter into the resonant field of the desire of Oneness and know for certain that it exists in you as it does in all things. In Oneness, you’ll discover a universality of desire and enter into its radiant and luminous space. In fact, cosmologist and scientist Brian Swimme tells us: “By pursuing your allurements, you help bind the universe together. The unity of the world rests on the pursuit of passion.” Are you willing to pursue your passion in order to manifest the energy of Oneness in your life and the world?

If your answer is yes, then the willingness to be wholly available to life is all that’s necessary to enter into this practice. What passions will you discover? Where will life take you as you follow the energy of desire in every moment?

By following your longings, you’ll find that true presence to life offers you incomparable happiness. The simplest things, such as drinking a hot cup of tea, relaxing in a warm bath, and staring into a crisp blue sky can bring you tremendous delight as long as you’re present to it. In other words, you can discover absolute joy simply by being aware of and fully embracing the ordinary experiences of life. You’ll become free from needing intense experiences in order to generate desire and pleasure, and you’ll be enlivened and enthused by pure existence and your relationship to it in each moment.

Nothing and no one can take away the desire of Oneness and the beauty, peace, and bliss it offers. It is yours as you become present to it. Your full presence and receptivity to desire creates a powerful medicine that will begin healing the schism between your body and mind, your ego and Soul.

Today’s practice requires nothing more than your desire to be wholly available to life. What amazing things will you discover amid the seemingly mundane activities in your life today? If you decide to practice the desire of Oneness 60 times a day for 15 seconds, you’ll spend 15 minutes simply being. For today, 5 minutes will suffice.

Become present, feeling the energy of desire and allowing yourself to receive the blessings each moment carries as it unfolds. Find the delight and joy in simply recognizing this awareness. Feel the Divine radiance of life bringing you into a deeper relationship with yourself, your essential nature. Breathe and be in relationship to all things: the clothes you’re wearing, the food you’re eating, the sidewalk you’re walking on, the hand you’re shaking, the music you’re listening to, and so forth. Love each moment through the desire of Oneness.

Whenever you feel disconnected and experience a schism of the body and mind, the Soul and the ego, return to presence and feel the desire of Oneness unite and restore you. For today, give yourself permission to experience the excitement and allure of the desire of Oneness. Spread your passion for a life of Oneness!


I AM living the fullness of my Soul’s desires in each moment, forever bonded with the world in the passion of Oneness.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Singing Alive

About to embark on yet another journey...
preparing a sacred alter for my two best friends Hana and Emily who are getting married.
I feel full and happy with love for them and for all expressions of divine beauty.
Spending lots of time just sitting outdoors taking in all the shifting of energy. Gripping the grass or putting hands in soil, this is how i stay grounded these days, for it feels as though my whole body is alight with God's love and at any moment I could become a spec in the sky, like a floating or dropping dandelion seed.

After the wedding driving up to Singing Alive in Washington - more music, community, God, and dance. then back to Earth for a week of work and connecting with lovers and again more ceremony. So sweet to be fully living NOW. I have said goodbye to so much....including hate of myself and body, fear, anxiety, stress, pain, hate and judgment, fear of intimacy and sexuality, fear of meeting my masculine divine, fear of becoming my fully greatest lion hearted soul warrior.

Still working on... How Ego plays her role, Power Dynamics, Creating safe and clear space for others, Communicating needs and boundaries, listening to my heart in every single momentary breath and inch and distance. So happy to have found my true self, and yet there is infinite self to discover! Hallelujah!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

a little update

I thought I should write something about myself and what has been occuring in my life lately. I think I should be totally honest with everything - for this open stream lined blog site is my intention for sharing and activating all that I touch in my life. I want to say that since I have moved to Portland, OR three summer's ago, my life has changed increadablly fast and furiously and I have loved every minute of it. There were a lot of ups and downs, and in particular - my spirit self (which really is all of myself) has evolved, flown, plumated, grown, deepened so quickly here. I have learned a butt-load on dynamics between relationships with friends/lovers/housemates/teachers, I have grown tremendously in my quest and my understanding for my life's work, I have met myself many times over in the crazy miraculous 12-D hologram we call life. Through all of this I am determined to keep writing and sharing what I have learned on my journey. Some of it may be beyond belief, as it should be, because life was NEVER meant to be boring or regular or ordinary. Life was never meant to be described, understood, and analyzed in a simple High School Sized Physics or O-Chem book - it is just too square. If anything, life would want an accurate representation (if there is at all one possible). Perhaps a rotating 64-sided Tetrahedron graphed in 12-Dimensional spinning black holes. He he, I really recommend reading about the unified field theory - there is a link on this page.

I am currently working at the Portland Village Waldorf School in North Portland, about a 20 minute bike ride from my house. I quit the other job as an assistant teacher and have been so greatful to find a school which feels like home. The teachers here are incredable and spontaneous and empowered women! I feel like I have found a new family. My best friend Emily Pitti is sharing this job with me and together we are creating a stupendous after-care program. We also have plans for starting our own business Cedar Sisters Continuing Education. We want to share the wisdom of the land and natural based thinking and creating with kids through Organic Gardening, Tincture Making, Paper Making, Book Binding, Theatre, Sword Play, Tumbleing and Acrobatics - the sky is the limit! And the more I work with children, the more I glean wisdom off the innocent pure truth of the young mind and heart. I am so lucky!

Also, now that my hours have changed, I will have the mornings to myself! Oh my God! You mean I get to have a life again now that I will be working part time? No way! That means I get to continue my awsome Raw Food Life Force Energy routine, practice my sword, qi-gong, Yoga and meditation routine, finally get back to my art, focus on creating my business to be incradably heart-centered, creative, and beautiful, and understand life and what the heck-azoid is occuring with the universe currently. Has anyone else noticed that we are in a massive transit? Thank Goodness, let's bring in the New Earth togther. But we can't do it unless you are doing your part and doing what you love, loving what you are doing, and creating life from the center of your being - your heart.

God is everywere people, time to start listening to the master plan so we can all party!